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male gaze中文是什么意思

用"male gaze"造句"male gaze"怎么读"male gaze" in a sentence


  • 男性瞪视


  • If you ' re really serious about avoiding the male gaze -
  • If you ' re really serious about avoiding the male gaze - -
    如果你真的想避开男性的注视- -
  • You start internalizing the male gaze . - not the best course of action
  • - you start internalizing the male gaze . - not the best course of action
  • The object of this voyeurism is always the beautiful women . in this film , sun - hwa , the beautiful college girl turned prostitute , is the object of the male gaze that is represented by han - gi
  • The object of this voyeurism is always the beautiful women . in this film , sun - hwa , the beautiful college girl turned prostitute , is the object of the male gaze that is represented by han - gi
  • The names of the characters , like jinshan , tianqing , also have specific association with different colors that connote their social and moral status brilliantly farquhar p . 336 . in terms of the point - of - view structure and the concept of male gaze , shuqin cui s analysis is comprehensive
用"male gaze"造句  
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